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Grey_KinightНе в Сети
Сообщений 12
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21.09.2007 в 19:57, №46
Эльдары не представляют тотальной угрозы, так как не ведут захватнических войн, МАКСИМУМ -
молниеносные атаки на корабли империума и планетарные закоулки. Поэтому Империум закрывает на Эльдаров глаза.
Небыло ни одного Крестового похода против Эльдаров. К тому же в многих Войнах они атаковали наших врагов , тиранидов,хаосистов, защищая входы в паутины или еще по какимто причинам. Не надо Собрана распылять,он может оказаться полезным.

Подпись пользователя:
Пока существует человек, будет существовать и война! А. Эйнштейн
FengНе в Сети
Сообщений 157
Репутация: 23
28.09.2007 в 07:24, №47
Император жив!!! Мы Имперские Кулаки верим в ЭТО!!!

Подпись пользователя:
Разве нам жаль, того, что мы потеряли? Нет! Мы - Кулаки! Нам не нужно спать в стасисе или источать яд. Мы предназначены для того, чтобы давить врага

http://our-rap.ucoz.ru/ заходите! сайт моих друзей-рэперов!

Сообщений 8
Репутация: 6
29.09.2007 в 23:55, №48
Quote (Feng)
Император жив!!! Мы Имперские Кулаки верим в ЭТО!!!

Формально жив, что здесь гадать, хотя нем.

Подпись пользователя:
Через всю свою жизнь, я пронесу ЕГО ИМЯ в своем сердце и на своих устах, спустя тысячи лет став тенью, прахом.
ImperialНе в Сети
Сообщений 146
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03.11.2007 в 12:13, №49
Quote (Feng)
Император жив!!! Мы Имперские Кулаки верим в ЭТО!!!

Полностью поддерживаю!

Подпись пользователя:
За Империю!!!
За Имперских Кулаков!!!
Император наш щит, наш защитник!!!
LegranНе в Сети
Сообщений 2526
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Раса: Chaos
03.11.2007 в 17:41, №50
Quote (Сын_Сангвиния)
Формально жив, что здесь гадать, хотя нем.

Какой симпатичный...и беспомощный... biggrin

Подпись пользователя:
КапелланНе в Сети
Сообщений 411
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Раса: Space_Marines
03.11.2007 в 23:12, №51
Quote (Legran)
Какой симпатичный...и беспомощный...
-конешн беспомощьный...

Подпись пользователя:
ImperialНе в Сети
Сообщений 146
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04.11.2007 в 13:16, №52
Кустодианцы навечно с Императором

Подпись пользователя:
За Империю!!!
За Имперских Кулаков!!!
Император наш щит, наш защитник!!!
Сообщений 65535
Репутация: 3201
Раса: Imperium of Man
25.11.2007 в 15:00, №53
На английском кое-что прикольне звучит!

Common Prayers for the Soldier
Libation to the Emperor
The Emperor is our guiding light.
A beacon of hope for humanity in a galaxy of darkness.
As we serve Him,
He is our greatest servant.
As we pray to Him,
His thoughts are only for us.
And in the dark when the shad ows threaten, The Emperor is with us.
In spirit and in fact.

The Emperor's Prayer
Adore the Immortal Emperor For He is our Protector
Admire the Immortal Emperor For His Sacrifice to Mankind
Exalt the Immortal Emperor For His Strict Guidance
Revere the Immortal Emperor For His Undying Guard
Venerate the Immortal Emperor For His Holy Wisdom
Honour the Immortal Emperor For His Eternal Strength
Glorify the Immortal Emperor For His All-seeing Vision
Praise the Immortal Emperor For His Unending Rule
Hail the Immortal Emperor For He is the Lord and Master

Prayer of Adulation to the Emperor
To be recited every morning:
0 Immortal Emperor: have mercy upon us, miserable unworthies that we are
0 Master of the Galaxy: protect Your flock from the alien.
0 Keeper of the Light: Guide our darkened path with Your radi ance.
We are Your warriors and we are servants to Thee.
We stand free from blindness of heart,
Free from hypocrisy, vainglory and deceits,
But captive to hatred, malice and anger,
To the filth, the alien, the heretic.
By Thy agony and bloody sweat; by Thy Golden Throne and Thy Death,
By Thy destruction and re-emer gence as the god of Men, Keep and strengthen us, we who fight for Thee.

Imperialer Lobgesang
Love the Emperor.
For He is the salvation of Mankind.
Obey His words,
For He will lead you into thelight of the future.
Heed His wisdom,
For He will protect you from evil.
Whisper His prayers with devo tion, For they will save your soul.
Honour His servants,
For they speak in His voice.
Tremble before His majesty, For we all walk in His Immortal shadow.


Warrior's Catechism of Worship
Look to your battle gear and it will protect you
We guard it with our lives
Your armour is your soul, and your soul's dedication its armour
The soul of a warrior is the protector of humanity
Honour the craft of death

Only the Emperor is higher in our devotion
Honour the battle gear of the Dead
We ask only to serve

Warrior's Prayer of Battle
I offer my life to the Emperor. I pray that He accepts it.
I offer my strength to the Emperor.
I pray that He redresses it.
I offer my blood for the Emperor. I pray that it quenches His thirst.
I offer my body on the altar of the battlefield.
I pray He grants me a noble death.
1 pray for His protection, As I offer all that I am.

Prayer in the Time of Tumults
Emperor of Man, overseer of all things right,
Whose powers none can resist.
Save and deliver us, we beseech,
From the hands of our enemies,
By granting us dominion over them,
Show us the path to victory,
That we might produce it in
Your undying name.

Prayer of Hatred for the Mutant
(From the First Book of Indoctrinations)
To be Impure
That is the mark of the Mutant.
To be Abhorred
That is the mark of the Mutant.
To be Reviled
That is the mark of the Mutant.
To be Hunted
That is the fate of the Mutant.
To be Cleansed
That is the fate of all Mutants.


Prayer for Safe Return
0 Eternal Emperor,
Who alone watches us,
And rules the tides and storms,
Be compassionate to your servants.
Preserve us from the perils of the Warp,
That we may be a safeguard to the Domain of Men.

Prayer for the Lost and the Endangered
To be used in times of grave peril in the warp:
Most powerful and glorious Emperor,
Who commands the winds and eddies of the galaxy,
We miserable men are adrift in peril,
We cry unto Thee for help.
Saw us, or we will perish.
We see how great and terrible Thou art,
We fear You and offer our awe,
We fear naught but Your wrath.
And beg a chance to prove ourselves,
So let us not die in the tumultuous waves of the warp.

Litanies and Incantations
Oath to Obedience
To be recited and repeated in times of weakness of spirit:
I pledge my service to thee, God-Emperor of mankind. Do with me as You please, for my faith is absolute.

Oath of Allegiance
I swear to remain steadfast and true in my loyalty, and may the darkness claim my soul if I prove unworthy.

Litany of War
To be shouted before entering combat:
Emperor, bestow on me Your righteous fury and Your furious strength. Let me become the storm that blasts the enemy from Your sight.

Oath to Vengeance
To be recited before entering combat:
I will destroy all who seek to destroy me.
Death Incantation
I fear no evil, I fear no death, for the Emperor comes for me.
Fear Incantation
To be recounted at anytime:
Fear is naught, for my faith is strong.

Incantation against Bombardment
To be recited when suffering artillery assault:

Profession of Faith
To be recounted at any time:
With all my strength,
With all my will,
With every fibre of my soul
I pledge my soul and my Faith,
To the Immortal Emperor,
Shepherd of Humanity.

Litany of Protection
To be recited and repeated in times of peril:
Mighty Emperor, spread Your divine light to prated me from the darkness,

Litany to Duty
To be recited when performing an arduous task:
Give me the strength to carry my duty through, and smite those who seek to thwart me.

Ritual for Strength
To be repeated while kneeling and making the sign of the Aquila:
I fell my bones: the strength, I feel my muscles: the strength, I feel my soul: the strength, I feel the Emperor, Who grants me grace, And by His will: strength.

Litany of Strength
To be recited when in times of frailty:
I am a man. Prone to weakness, But I am a Guardsman, Where weakness is death, I will crush my weakness. With the weight of my pride.

Incantation of Battle
To be shouted and repeated dur ing combat:
Smite the foe! Smash the enemy! For the Emperor we bring death!

Incantation of the Death Bringer
To be whispered inwardly before striking to kill (assassin's litany):
I have become death, destroyer of foes.

Prayer of Invisibility
To be whispered when remaining hidden from the eyes of the enemy:
I am the darkness that surrounds me,
I am the air that surrounds me,
I am the land that hides me,
I wait to strike,
From the darkness,
1 wait to kill,
Front out of thin air,
I am invisible,
And I am silent death.

Litany of the Lasgun
To be recited before firing your weapon:
Bringer of death, speak your name, For you are my life, and the foe's death.

Litany of Penetration
To be recited when firing a weapon:
Of Holy Emperor, hear my prayer,
Guide this missile, hold it true,
Let it part their steel and weak armour,
And crack their cowardly skin,
And smite the foe from Your sight.

Litany of True Striking
To be recited when firing a projectile weapon:
Sweet Emperor, guide this missile into the hearts of Your foes.

Prayer for Ignition
To be recited when priming an explosive device:
Spirit of fire, Prime this weapon. And blast the foe, From the Emperor's sight.

Blessing of the Bomb
To be recited when priming an explosive:
You are a weapon of men,
A bright, short light to blast the foe,
When darkness descends.
You are the bomb men,
To lift the foe from off their feet,
So they no longer profane the Emperor s soil.

Litany of Smiting
To be voiced before firing a pro jectile weapon, and repeated until the missile finds its target:
Holy Emperor, deliver us from the Darkness of the Void, guide my weapon in Your service.

Prayer of Smiting
To be used as an alternative to the Litany of Smiting:
Spirits in the Machine, Reward my faith, And smash the target.

Litany of Accuracy
To be recited quietly, during the aim and before taking the shot:
Grant me the sight of the eagle, the calm of the breeze, the patience of a saint and the skill to smite the foe from afar.

Ode to Timing
To be recited before timing a shot, or the planting of a bomb or the throwing of a grenade:
Great God-Emperor,
Watch over Your servant,
And bestow on him the skill and patience.
To time the moment,
And make the kill.

Chant of Accuracy
To be recited before a killing action:
Guide the flight,
Watch the target,
Take the unworthy s life.

Litany of Unjamming
To be recited when clearing a jammed weapon:
Spirits of the Machine-God, aid your servant and free his weapon so he may use it to break his foes.

Litany of Cleanliness
To be recited when cleaning your lasgun:
Let my hand wipe the grime from your perfect form,
May you purify with your bolts of light.

Canticle of Appeasement
To be recited to the Machine Spirits when stripping a weapon:
Be still, spirits, I do what 1 must, Forgive the intrusion, And give me your trust.

Catechism of the Machine
To be recited to the Machine Spirits, with the utmost grav ity, when performing a disruptive procedure on a mechanical device:
With my care I repair you. With sacred oil I appease you, Be quiet, good spirits,
And accept my benediction.

Litany of Completion
To be recited when assembling Your lasgun:
Spirits of the machine, accept my pleas,
And walk amidst the gun, and fire it true.

The Litany of Loading
To be recited when loading your weapon:
Machine Spirit, accept my gift,
Swallow the light, and spit out death.

Litany of Unloading
To be recited when unloading your weapon:
Machine Spirit, forgive my actions,
Soon you shall be whole again.

Litany of Durability
To be recited to your weapon before combat ensues:
Machine Spirits,
In all your unknowable grace and wisdom,
Grant my weapon durability.
So that it nay serve me,
As 1 serve you,
With faith, care and servility.

Oath to Bring Quick Death to a Fallen Comrade
To be recited before administering the Emperor's Mercy to a fallen comrade:
Emperor, give me strength to carry out the deed, and Brother, grant me forgiveness for what I am about to do. The end will lie swift, and the Eternal gates swing wide for you. Your duty is done, and I must now do mine.

Incantation of the Maimed Litany to Staunch a Wound
To be recited and repeated when grievously hurt:
/ pray to slow the blood and close the wound.

Prayer of Relief from Torment
To be recited to/by a soldier in severe pain:
Although my body is broken,
Although my blood pours away.
Although my time may end,
The Immortal Emperor will greet me,
And embrace me with His holy aura,
If only I remain constant toHim.
Through this time of torment,

Litany of Protection
To be recited when in great danger:
Oh Emperor of Mankind,
Send Your gaze to me with benevolence,
Watch over Your servant and sol dier,
And protect me from peril.

Litany of Forgiveness
To be recited when near to death:
Sweet God-Emperor, forgive Your servant his sins, and remember I am just a man.

Litany of Warp Travel
To be recited in warp transit:
Shield me from the maelstrom, prove this ship worthy of protect ing Your legions, who bring Your light wherever they travel.

Litany of the Vacuum
To be recited when in open space travel:
0 most High and Holy Emperor,
I see Your light and feel Your presence,
Keep me safe from the void and vacuum,
And see me home to the glory fields of war.

Litany Against the Mutant
Emperor, let Your undeniable light bum on the misshapen and with pure sight, and' purge them with pure sight, and purge them with righteous fire.

Подпись пользователя:
За Империю!!! За Императора!!! Неси волю Императора, как факел, разгоняя им тени !!!
Сомнение порождает ересь, ересь порождает возмездие.
Да не будет мира вне власти Твоей, да не будет врага вне гнева Твоего.
Император всё знает, Император всё видит !!! Отвага и Честь !!!
Эт Император Инвокато Диаболус Демоника Экзорцизм!
Сообщений 65535
Репутация: 3201
Раса: Imperium of Man
27.11.2007 в 17:07, №54
Кстати говоря надобы найти побольше про Имперскую веру, а том мы акромя литаний и инфы про Императора ничего не знаем!!!

Подпись пользователя:
За Империю!!! За Императора!!! Неси волю Императора, как факел, разгоняя им тени !!!
Сомнение порождает ересь, ересь порождает возмездие.
Да не будет мира вне власти Твоей, да не будет врага вне гнева Твоего.
Император всё знает, Император всё видит !!! Отвага и Честь !!!
Эт Император Инвокато Диаболус Демоника Экзорцизм!
ДмитрийНе в Сети
Сообщений 167
Репутация: 14
Раса: Space_Marines
06.12.2007 в 23:55, №55
Quote (Legran)
Какой симпатичный...и беспомощный...

Ну не совсем беспомощный, не забывай что он самый сильный псайкер в истории человечества. Доказательство его могущества - Астромикон.

Подпись пользователя:
Времена не выбирают, в них живут и умирают.
КапелланНе в Сети
Сообщений 411
Репутация: 38
Раса: Space_Marines
12.12.2007 в 23:27, №56
Повторюсь еще раз,вспомник кустодианскую гвардию,несущую волю Императора и полсе его отправки в варп,так что сначала попробуйте доберитесь туда,а потом уже посмотрим чт будет....

Подпись пользователя:
Сын_ПерунаНе в Сети
Сообщений 504
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13.12.2007 в 09:13, №57

Подпись пользователя:
ДмитрийНе в Сети
Сообщений 167
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Раса: Space_Marines
28.12.2007 в 23:15, №58, отредактировал Дмитрий - Пятница, 28.12.2007, 23:30
Мы сражаемся за Него, умираем за Него уже 11 000 лет. Мы свято чтим героев своих Каппитулов имена котрых высечены на мемориальных досках в наших святынях и мечтаем умереть во имя Его, и может быть наше имя тоже будет высечено там, и новые Братья будут молиться и увидят его, отдадут честь твоему подигу, память о тебе останется в сердцах наших Братьев.

Подпись пользователя:
Времена не выбирают, в них живут и умирают.
ДмитрийНе в Сети
Сообщений 167
Репутация: 14
Раса: Space_Marines
28.12.2007 в 23:40, №59
Мы презираем смерть, она лишь освобождение, мы не ведаем страха, мы не помним его, мы не ведаем жалости, мы не знаем что это такое, у нас есть только вера, все остальное неважно.

Подпись пользователя:
Времена не выбирают, в них живут и умирают.
RockstoneНе в Сети
Сообщений 238
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29.12.2007 в 12:23, №60
Да прибудут со мной Святые Яйца Русса!!!
Ибо не будет равных нам в бою!!!!Не будет равных нам в силе духа!!!!!Ибо мы сыновья твои Император!!!!!!!

Подпись пользователя:
Император, пусть Твой неугасаемый свет озарит нечестивых и извращенных
Чтобы я мог видеть их истинный облик и очистить их праведным огнем!!!
Во имя Русса!
Лишь в ожидании самого меньшего добра переживаеться самое страшное зло...........